Thursday, May 21, 1891
VERMILION IRON JOURNAL–Thursday, May 21, 1891
Coming to the Front.
In the early days of Tower when people discovered the beauties of Lake Vermilion, it was predicted then that it was only a question of time until tourists from all over the country would come here to enjoy our climate and fishing, that summer cottages and club houses would decorate the shores and islands of a lake that cannot be surpassed in variety of scenery and natural beauties. The summer sunsets on the lake are magnificently grand and the beholder would say that there could be no better or more appropriate name than the one the aboriginees adopted and the one they still continue to use. Nee-man-nee—explained by them as the evening sun tinting the water a reddish color! The gold hunters years ago noticed the remarkable tinting of the sunsets and some among them who understood the Indian language explained the Indian name and as the color is vermilion at sunset. It was so named by the Americans. During the interval since the advent of a railroad to Tower, a great many people hearing of the lake have come here looking for a place to spend their summer vacation, would take a trip over the lake, express themselves as suited, but were obliged to take their families to some other place on account of no hotel accommodations, as such as the town afforded were too primitive in design to be suitable for summer resort guests. But this great drawback will soon be obviated as notices are now out for bids for the erection of a fine, large hotel, expressly designed for families and all classes of guests who yearly seek a place of this kind for a summer outing. The hotel is to be built by an association of gentlemen who are interested in business in this city, and no pains or expense will be spared to make it a home for the man, weary with business cares and the people who are seeking for a place to spend a few pleasant summer months. The Lake Vermilion Rod and Gun Club are an association of young energetic business men of Duluth, and will shortly build a club house on their property. The club owns 154 acres delightfully located on the west end of Pine Island. The names of the gentlemen who are members of this club are well known, and a sufficient guarantee that their club house will be the first of its kind erected upon the Vermilion waters. Any parties who wish to participate in this enterprise can do so by sending $100, the amount of one share to the business manager, A. F. Naff, Duluth, Minn., when a certificate for the same will be issued.