Artifacts of the Vermilion Iron Range Industrial Boom

The Soudan Mine, shaft #8 head frame, looking towards the west. Photo circa 1910.

The Industrial Boom

Between the exploration and gold rush of 1865 and the closing of the Soudan Mine in 1962, the Vermilion Iron Range and the Tower area was host to major industry: large logging operations, lumber mills, farming around Cook and Soudan, brick works, a box factory, many successful mines, and many failed mines. The mines and the industry that grew around them have stories – some stories lasted a century, but some disappeared with little trace.



We see artifacts from the industrial boom at the turn of the 20th century around our city and may not know much about them. Many places are named for people whose stories we might not know. Many interesting people we didn’t know about lived, worked, or visited in the area; their stories should be told. wants to remember all of the artifacts: the people, places, and things that make our area special and unique. We will be researching many of the things that made Lake Vermilion and the communities around it what they are today, and archiving them to our best ability. We will strive to keep the information as accurate as possible; we will also update the information as we find more information or make corrections. If you have any information about any of the artifacts we present, please don’t be afraid to contact us at info*AT* and we’ll add helpful information!


Our Sources

We use publicly-available sources without pay walls whenever we can, so you can follow our research yourself. We will provide all references back to the original information. Here are some of the sources we use to research our area’s history. We will update these lists as we add more sources and documents.

General Sources

Specific Documents



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