Big Truck Night

Bentley Crego had great fun honking the horn of the Tower Ambulance at Tower-Soudan School’s ( Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) annual Big Truck Night. His younger brother Dylan is pictured in the background. The event was held in Soudan on Thursday, September 8 and was co-sponsored by ECFE  and Breitung Township.

(Pictured below) Grandpa Jim “Chimpy” Tuominen introduces his grandson Silas Snyder, Tower, to Smokey the Bear.

Minnesota Department of Natural Resources personnel from the Tower office accompanied Smokey with its own Big Truck. Smokey provided bags full of Smokey swag to every child who stopped by to say “Hello.”

Big Truck Night is an annual event hosted by ECFE and Learning Readiness, and kids of all ages anxiously look forward to the event. Mary Larson, Tower-Soudan Learning Readiness coordinator, declared Big Truck Night a huge success.
