City of Tower

2019.03.11 Tower MN City Council

 In the interest of public discussion, we encourage you to post your comments on the YouTube video!

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In spite of extended drama Tower City Council manages to conduct its February business over two meetings

February 11 and 25, 2019 — Following weeks of presentations at each local township, and input from each local governmental body which comprises it, the Tower Ambulance Commission is unified… [Read More]

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Teamsters Local 320 attorney threatens lawsuit against Tower for employee data privacy breach

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2019 — It appears that during the first 60 days of his new administration Mayor Orlyn Kringstad, along with his friend and close adviser Marshall Helmberger a… [Read More]

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Tower City Council moves to investigate mayor for misconduct

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2019—The Tower City Council has been in turmoil since Orlyn Kringstad took his seat as Tower’s new mayor in early January. The February 11 meeting, the city… [Read More]

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City gives a vote of confidence to City Clerk over Helmberger accusations is beta testing recording and posting videos of the Tower City Council Meetings. It is our hope that sufficient interest is shown locally so that we can continue and… [Read More]

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City Reorganization

Tower City Council denies Abrahamson Deputy Mayor slot; Keeps Helmberger off TEDA MONDAY, JANUARY 28, 2019 — The Tower City Council and Mayor Orlyn Kringstad learned that there is a… [Read More]

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Tower Planning and Zoning again hears campground plans

TUESDAY, JANUARY 22, 2019 — The Planning Commission held its first, short-handed, meeting of 2019 on Tuesday of this week. Commission members, Chairman Steve Altenburg, City Councilor Kevin Fitton and… [Read More]

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2019.01.14 – Tower City Council Meeting

By soudan42

In the interest of public discussion, we encourage you to post your comments on the YouTube video!

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City Council approves new ambulance purchase

When Mayor Josh Carlson called the Monday, December 10 regular meeting of the Tower City Council to order at 5:30 p.m. the looming 7:15 p.m. kickoff of the Minnesota Vikings–Seattle… [Read More]

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Timberjay guilty of “Marshall Math” Ambulance Director reports

Ambulance Director and Fire Chief Steve Altenburg took Marshall Helmburger to task for several articles extremely critical of the ambulance department, and the city, over the past year. Altenburg came prepared… [Read More]

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