City approves hiring temp; appoints deputy election judge and election judge

MONDAY, AUGUST 1, 2016 — Members of the Tower City Council met in a special session at 5:30 this evening. Before tackling the agenda before the council, Mayor Josh Carlson noted, “Tower lost one of its own, yesterday.” Carlson said that Joey Frazee, a 2005 Tower High School graduate who also had served the Tower Ambulance Service passed away on Sunday at his home as a result of an accident. “The City Council offers its deepest condolences to Joey’s family,” Carlson said, as he called for a moment of silence in memory of Mr. Frazee.

Turning to the agenda, Mayor Carlson informed the council that he believed the best option for addressing the Deputy Clerk vacancy was to hire a temporary employee from a temp agency while the council calls for applications to permanently fill the position. The Mayor noted that he and Alderman Joan Broten would be meeting to review the Deputy Clerk’s job description and he expected that the temporary employee would only be required for a month while the council called for and considered applicants.

City Clerk–Treasurer Linda Keith said that she had received one casual labor application for the position, adding, “I assume you would not want to hire someone, with only one applicant,” as she provided a sample advertisement she prepared to seek applicants for the temporary position.

The City Council discussed its options and what potential costs could be expected to fill the temporary vacancy. Alderman Broten asked about how many days, each week, the temporary position would be required. “I really need a Deputy Clerk five days a week,” Keith said. The cost for a temp is expected to cost $21.27 an hour, an additional $5.50 over the casual labor rate of pay, according to Keith.

Alderman Brad Matich made a motion authorizing the City Clerk to contract with a temporary employment agency to hire a secretary, receptionist to fill the vacancy of the Deputy Clerk. Alderman Broten seconded the motion. The motion passed with the unanimous support of the council.

Minnesota will be conducting a primary election on August 9, and the vacancy created by the resignation of the Deputy Clerk leaves a vacancy for a deputy head election judge and a vacancy for one election judge. The previous Deputy Clerk, Stephanie Carlson, filled both positions. Clerk Keith recommended that the council appoint Margie Johnson as deputy head election judge and Abbi Pratt as an election judge.

The council accepted the clerk’s recommendations and unanimously voted on two separate motions to fill the positions. Alderman Broten moved, and Alderman Matich seconded a motion to appoint Johnson as deputy head election judge and Alderman William Hiltunen moved, and Alderman Matich seconded a motion to appoint Pratt as the additional election judge.

With the conclusion of the business on the agenda, City Clerk Keith directed the council’s attention to the upcoming Tower Public Visioning Session. The session is to be held on Thursday, August 4 from 7:00 until 8:30 in the evening at the Tower Civic Center. It is expected that Orlyn Kringstad will provide a short presentation on the Tower Harbor development project on behalf of Tower Vision 2025, LLC and that the Lake Vermilion Cultural Center will provide a short presentation on its plans for St. Mary’s Hall, the historic Episcopal church building recently relocated to Tower’s Main Street.

Alderman Matich motioned to adjourn the meeting, with support for Alderman Broten. The motion passed unanimously and the meeting was concluded while members of the city council, Clerk Keith, Mr. Kringstad and Marshall Helmberger continued in conversation in the council chambers.