City of Tower juggles IRRRB grants

MONDAY, JULY 30, 2018 — At its special meeting on Monday the City of Tower juggled an Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation (IRRRB) grant, in the amount of $350,000, away from the Tower Historic Harbor Project, now earmarking it to provide infrastructure for the new Lamppa Manufacturing stove works currently being built at the southwest corner of the city. The long touted but slow to materialize condominium project project seems stalled for the near future as developer Orlyn Kringsted has yet to renew his development contract with the city. The IRRRB originally approved funding for Harbor improvements, including water and sewer infrastructure, sidewalks, links to the existing bike and walking trails already in place, rerouting the end of Pine Street and developing a new street to access the development in November 2016. Because the developer has taken no timely action on the condominium project the IRRRB grant expired at the end of last year. With a new shovel ready project already being constructed the city is now asking the IRRRB to reallocate these funds, $350,000, to the development of necessary infrastructure at the business park. A motion to approve reallocating the funds and seeking a new December 31, 2018 deadline was unanimously approved by the city council and has been forwarded to the IRRRB board for its approval.

The city council also unanimously approved Resolution 2018–10 authorizing the city to apply for a new $350,000 grant for harbor infrastructure should the condominium project become revitalized. This application was submitted to the IRRRB on Tuesday and now waits to be reviewed by and be brought before the board at the IRRRB.

The Tower-Soudan Historical Society has applied for a large grant to stabilize and rehabilitate the old 1884 (check plaque) Tower Fire Hall from the Minnesota Historical Society. Nancy Larson appeared before the city council to outline the goals the society has set should it receive the grant and its need for additional funding to allow for cash-flow on the grant. Phase one of the project would see the roof and outside brickwork stabilized and provide new energy efficient windows and doors for the historic building. Larson explained, “This is a large project and we expect it to take several years to complete.” Future phases include work on interior masonry; electrical and heating upgrades; and finally developing displays which will showcase Tower’s vibrant and always interesting history to the public. Because the State Historical Society withholds 20 percent of all its grants until all work is completed the Tower-Soudan Historical Society needs to address cash-flow needs to complete the work. Larson appeared before the city council to obtain its approval, and financial oversight of a $51,000 IRRRB infrastructure grant to provided the needed cash flow should the organization receive State Historical Society funding in December of this year.

Mayor Josh Carlson received assurance from city Clerk-Treasurer Linda Keith that in allowing the Historical Society to apply for IRRRB funding the city would not be hampered in its other requests for IRRRB funding. Keith said that because this grant was coming from a specifically earmarked IRRRB infrastructure program it is not expected to hinder any other grant Tower is seeking. The city council gave its unanimous approval to Resolution 2018–11 moving the application for funding forward.

In other action, the Tower City Council:

• Approved spending $3,000 to have Minnesota Power establish an electrical connection at 1 Enterprise Drive—the Lamppa Manufacturing building site

• Gave initial approval to spend up to $12,403.93 with CTC (telephone), Brainerd, MN, to establish fiber optic internet and telephone service capabilities at the new Lamppa building and $10,906.10 to establish fiber optic at the Tower Economic Development Association building currently leased to the Vermilion country Charter School

• Renewed a contract with Janisch Realty to sell lands outside of city limits

• Again approved a slate of election judges, this time noting the specific shifts for each judge.