City of Tower approves SEH plan to design seven new Hoodoo Point Campsites
MONDAY, June 26, 2017 — The Tower City council gave its unanimous approval to two Short Elliot Hendricson Inc. (SEH) proposals for design work at its regular June 26 meeting. The first project, which has been discussed at length during recent council meetings, will complete full engineering design work and guide the city through the bidding process to build seven additional campsites and utility work at Hoodoo Point Campground. Both water and electrical infrastructure as well as adding a duplex grinder station and a force main to convey wastewater from the campground lift station to a lift station the existing lift station along Hoodoo Point Road will be designed as part of the project. In addition SEH proposed developing specifications for sanitary sewers and sewer line rehabilitation will be designed as an addition to the project. This second phase of campground development will then be ready to implement if the city has enough remaining funds to complete the full upgrade after opening bids. It is expected that design review will be conducted by the city council at its August meeting and, if approved, the city will seek bids in September. The SEH proposal to complete the project will cost the city $38,500.
The second SEH proposal which the city approved entails design work for a new Welcome Center to be located near the Tower Civic Center. This project will include design work for a kiosk which can be used to distribute maps and brochures as well as signage highlighting recreational activities in the Tower area. The current concept plan includes adding sidewalks compliant with the American with Disabilities Act, landscaping and seating to create a park-like setting in the area. The city expects it will apply for $50,000 in grant funding to complete the project but authorized spending $5,000 out of the general fund to complete the design work. Now that approval has been given SEH anticipates that it will present the draft plan and cost estimates by August 1.
The city has been working on designing a new welcome sign at the Western entrance to Tower, visible to traffic on both highway 169 and highway 135. Linda Haugen, representing the Tower Women’s Civic Improvement Club, provided the city council with an update on the proposed welcome signs, crosswalks and a new Hoodoo Point sign. Kara Polyner, Ely Design Works, designed the city’s logo featuring the Tower Harbor and is proposing to construct a three-dimensional sign featuring that design. Her proposal to construct and install the sign for $6,880. she emphasized, however, that her proposal did not include building a permanent base for the sign. Following a lengthy discussion on potential site locations and other details about the sign the city gave its unanimous approval to move forward on the project and is expected to contract with SEH for design and engineering specs for its base and determine a suitable site.
The city council also gave its approval to paint a pedestrian cross walk across Highway 169 at both Cedar and Pine Streets.
A preliminary estimate to install 15 docks in the Tower Harbor was reviewed and unanimously approved by the city council. The council did not discuss proposed costs, or determine the exact dimensions and materials for the project but did vote to approve the proposed layout of the docks in the harbor. The proposal to supply the docks and installation was made by Consulting Engineers P.A. at the request of Tower Vision 2025. The project is expected to cost in excess of $241,000.
In other action, the Tower City Council:
• Hired Dan Nyland, Robert Dicasmirro, Bradley Matich, Michael Carlson. Terii Joki-Martin, Many Northrup, Cory Kovatocich and Olivia Suihkonen as single role Emergency Medical Responder staff
• Approved the city’s liquor commission’s recommendation that the city set Sunday off-sale liquor license applications at $25 and set Sunday off-sale hours in compliance with State of Minnesota regulations, currently between the hours of 11 a.m and 6:00 p.m.
• Agreed to the liquor commission’s recommendation that the adjust the two-year probationary period for D’Erick’s Tower Liquors commence on November 9, 2016—the date of conviction for the agent of the business which made an illegal sale
• Learned that the Minnesota Department of Health has informed the city that it has returned to compliance on haloacetic acids and total trihalomethanes in the city’s water supply
• Learned that Alderman Lance Dougherty, Clerk-Treasurer Linda Keith and Dan Broten continue to meet on developing an All Terrain Vehicle ordinance for the city and expect to present their proposal at a July city council meeting
• Acknowledged the receipt of formal communications that the city employee collective bargaining units intend to commence negotiations with the city
• Gave authorization to the Tower-Soudan Historical Society to enter into an agreement with Architectural Resources, Inc. to create plans, specifications and cost estimates necessary to alleviate drainage problems and foundation and pavement cracks around the Tower Depot. The historical society has obtained a grant to pay for the design work which is expected to cost $7,350.
A conceptual drawing of the new Tower sign. Ely Design Works created this design as the city logo and presented the concept to the Tower City Council on Monday, June 26. The sign provides “a harbor feel” to Tower’s Western entrance, Polyner said.