DNR Conservation Officers’ weekly reports
District 5 – Eveleth area
February 14, 2017 — CO John Velsvaag (Cook) checked snowmobilers and anglers this past week. Snowmobiling conditions were great and fishing was slow overall. CO Velsvaag also followed up on several calls and had questions about trout and spearing regulations.
CO Marc Hopkins (Tower) logged many miles on the snowmobile this week and spent a good portion of time checking anglers. The bite seems to have slowed. Numerous contacts were made and enforcement action was taken on extra lines, no license in possession, speeding, and no registration. The trails started out good, but the large number of sleds out have made them a little rough after the weekend.
CO Darrin Kittelson (International Falls) reports lots of people out on area snowmobile trails as recent snowfall has improved the trail conditions greatly. Ice fishing report on Rainy Lake, Kabetogama Lake, and Namakan Lake are slow however lots of people were out enjoying the warmer weather. Enforcement action taken were mainly snowmobiling violations.
CO John Slatinski (International Falls #2) reports snowmobile activity has once again increased with the improved snow conditions and area trails are in very good condition. Litter on area lake surfaces and elsewhere continues to be a common complaint heard. A frequent violation being encountered is failing to transfer ownership of snowmobiles. After a period of time, tracking down the registered owner to obtain the required paperwork for transfer of ownership to the new owner can turn into a real hassle for both parties.
CO Colleen Adam (Ray) reports the ice road is in on Kabetogama however the fishing success is limited. The fresh snow in the area brought many snowmobile enthusiasts to the area to enjoy the lakes and trails. Conditions could not have been any better; thank you to the local clubs for trying to keep up the trails. Enforcement action was taken for extra lines, expired ATV registration, and many fail to display proper registration on snowmobiles.
CO Troy Fondie (Orr) reports area snowmobile trails were monitored, local lakes and public access sites were checked, and state forest roads were patrolled. CO Don Bozovsky (Hibbing) primarily worked anglers and snowmobiles during the week, dealt with a report of a car injured wolf and attended a meeting in St. Paul. A fishing tournament and a vintage snowmobile run were worked with over 200 sleds participating in the latter event. Enforcement action for the week was taken on angling after revocation, no angling license in possession, and snowmobile violations mainly consisting of registration and speed.
CO Don Bozovsky (Hibbing) primarily worked anglers and snowmobiles during the week, dealt with a report of a car injured wolf and attended a meeting in St. Paul. A fishing tournament and a vintage snowmobile run were worked with over 200 sleds participating in the latter event. Enforcement action for the week was taken on angling after revocation, no angling license in possession, and snowmobile violations mainly consisting of registration and speed.
CO Matt Frericks (Virginia) patrolled area lakes checking anglers. Pleasant temps brought out plenty of anglers. Enforcement action was taken for no license in possession. With the nice temps, just as many snowmobilers hit the area snowmobile trails. Despite heavy use, the trails remain in great condition. Violations of fail to display current registration decals were encountered.
CO Mark Fredin (Aurora) checked fishing activity throughout the week and most report slow fishing. Snowmobile trails were patrolled and violations of operate ATV on Grant in Aid trail and expired registration were found. Law presentation was given to youths in Hoyt Lakes obtaining their snowmobile safety certificates.
District 6 – Two Harbors area
CO Sean Williams (Ely 1) reports a combination of good trail conditions and warm weather made for an extremely busy snowmobiling weekend. Snowmobile registration compliance was very high considering the huge volume of sleds on the trails, speed on the other hand continues to be a problem. Violations included excessive snowmobile speed, angling with extra lines, and angling with no license in possession.
CO Marty Stage (Ely 2) reports the weekend was a busy one for snowmobiles and there was also a lot of illegal snowmobile traffic on the roads as evidenced by the tracks. Some were running great distances down the main roads and even the state highway.
CO Darin Fagerman (Grand Marais) reports great winter conditions for both anglers and snowmobilers alike. He patrolled by snowmobile checking remote designated trout lakes and checking snowmobile activity. Angling success has been mixed depending on skill level and lake.
CO Mary Manning (Grand Marais East) patrolled area lakes checking anglers and fishing shacks. The officer also patrolled the Ramstad State and GIA snowmobile trails. One angler learned the hard way that reading the regulation book every year is a good thing-he could have saved himself a fine and a ticket had he read about and gotten the ?Non-Trail Registration? for his sled rather than hoping that a CO would not notice the 2011 registration he never renewed.
CO Anthony Bermel (Babbitt) worked snowmobile enforcement as well as checking ice anglers. There was an extremely high volume of snowmobile traffic with the ample snow conditions. Speed was a problem with several in the 80s statewide speed limit is 50. Fishing success is very slow. Enforcement action was taken for snowmobile speed, expired registration, fail to transfer ownership, and expired ATV registration.
CO David Schottenbauer (Silver Bay) worked area lakes for angling activity and spent time on area trails as well. CO Schottenbauer did a lot of explaining to lost snowmobilers and the concept of county roads are not trails, even in Lake County.
CO Thomas Wahlstrom (Tofte) spent the week checking snowmobiles on area trails. The trails are in excellent condition. Anglers were checked on lakes in Lake and Cook Counties. Some nice pan fish were seen in the bag. Enforcement action was taken for careless operation, snowmobiling, and hunting violations.