February, 2016—Proposed zoning change
The City of Tower will hold a Planning & Zoning Public Hearing on:
Thursday, February 25, 2016
6:00 p.m.
Tower Civic Center
To solicit comments from the public on a proposed zoning change, from City of Tower Residential-1 to Tower Harbor Renaissance North.
The land in question is located in the corporate limits of the City of Tower and adjacent to the East Two River very near to Pike Bay, Lake Vermilion.
People wishing to make comment may do so at the Public Hearing, or in writing to:
or mail to City of Tower
P.O. Box 576,
Tower, MN 55790
Linda Keith, City Clerk, (218) 753-4070
Further information on Tower’s Zoning Regulations Ordinance No. 82 is available on the interweb at: http://www.cityoftower.com/images/user/files/Ordinance_82.pdf