Greenwood Board of Adjustment — March 28, 2016
MONDAY, MARCH 28, 2016 — Members of the Greenwood Board of Adjustment met held a public hearing on a new variance request and re-open a previous, request originally heard on February 29. That request needed to be re-heard because of a failure to give proper notice to the public.
2307 Birch Rock Road, Lake Vermilion, Tower, Minn. (first heard on February 29)
Rodney and Beth Jola had submitted a request to tear down, or move, an existing building and replace it with a 30 foot wide by 50 foot long, 1,500 square foot, two-story home, 27 feet in height on an excavated basement. Plans also call for a garage, 676 square-feet in size and a 360 square-foot deck The Jola’s are seeking relief from the 15 foot side-yard set-back, and the requirement calling for buildings to be 75 feet from the ordinary high water mark. The existing dwelling is 37 feet from the high water mark and the new proposal calls for the new dwelling to sit on the existing site, 37 feet back from the high water line.
Re-opening the Public hearing, comments were heard from the neighbor, Deborah Thayer who spoke about her concerns with the lot line. Ms. Thayer noted her property was surveyed and wanted to make sure that her property lot lines were respected. Marcie Moe was concerned about the drive way, if it would would extend all of the way to the cabin and about the potential for storm water run-off, affecting water quality of the lake. Bev Peterson spoke to her concerns about the building height and asked, “If it is a 20 foot (height) area why is 27 feet allowed.” Planning Director Julia Maki explained that buildings were allowed to be up to 37 feet in height, provided they were 75 feet back from the lake. When a variance is given for a building to be closer to the water, the height requirement, just as if it was 75 feet back, still applies.
The Board of Adjustment met following the closing of public input and again decided to issue a variance for a building, 30 foot wide by 40 foot deep on the existing building site. The permitted building will be 10 feet less in length than that which was requested. A variance to the side-yard setback minimum of 15 feet was denied. A rain garden and rain gutters on the building will be required to mitigate any rain water run-off. The decision to approve the one variance, of three originally requested, was unanimous.
4300 Isle of Pines Drive, Lake Vermilion, Tower, Minn.
James F. Ryan applied for a variance request to add an addition of 20 feet by 32 feet to his existing dwelling. The existing building is currently 28 feet by 44 feet. The new addition will be located away from Lake Vermilion, to the rear of the existing building and will be used to create new space for the mechanical (heating, etc.) room and a laundry area.
Planning Director Maki noted that St. Louis County had adopted new zoning regulations last year, 2015. Because Greenwood Township is still working on updating its zoning ordinance in order to comply with the county’s, the township is required to follow the new county zoning requirements. Because the existing dwelling is 54 feet away from the lake the new county requirements would limit the addition to 400 square feet in size. The proposed addition is for 640 square feet. Maki pointed out that the existing buildings, dwelling and garage, and the new addition would still be well within compliance on lot coverage maximums. “The addition is set be be in the most favorable location on the lot with minimal impact on neighbors,” Maki said. She also noted that there are five, or more non-compliance set-backs in close proximity to this lot.
Lee Peterson commented that he was a neighbor to the property and, “both Bev and I approve of this project.”
The Board of Adjustment, in considering a variance, asked about the existing wastewater treatment facilities. A septic tank and drain field is already in place, Ryan explained, adding that he was waiting for St. Louis County’s input. “We would like to put a new one in,” Ryan said.
The Board of Adjustment unanimously approved a variance allowing the 28 feet by 44 feet addition.
Following the conclusion of requests for variances, the Board of Adjustment approved the February 29 meeting minutes and tabled approving previous findings of fact until its next meeting.
Serving on the Board of Adjustment are:
John Aro, Chairman
Howard Ankrum, Vice-chairman
Jerry Lepper, representing the Planning Commission
Larry Tahija
Julia Maki, Planning Director
Sue Drobec, Township Clerk