Greenwood Town Board of Supervisors reorganizes; ready to conduct business over coming year
THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 2019 — Members of the Greenwood Township Board of Supervisors met on Thursday, March 28 to select a chairman and vice-chairman to head the board over the next year. Supervisor Byron Beihoffer moved to again elect Supervisor Mike Ralston as the board chairman. His motion received support from Supervisor Larry Tahija. When the votes were tallied, HOWEVER, only Beihoffer and Tahija voted in favor of the motion and it did not pass.
Rahston then made a motion to select Carmen DeLuca as the town board chairman. This motion received support from Paul Skubic. A quick vote found four supervisor’s in support of the motion and one, DeLuca, abstained from voting.
The gavel was turned over to the new chairman. DeLuca chaired the meeting and led the Greenwood Town Board of Supervisors in commencing to reorganizing itself for the current year.
The town board:
* Established the second Tuesday of each month, at 6:30 p.m., as its regular meeting date and time with the exception of the March 10 meeting which will not commence until after citizens conclude their Annual Meeting of Greenwood Township. The township’s August 2019 meeting will be conducted at 6:30 p.m., on Wednesday, August 14, having been moved ahead one day to accommodate the Minnesota Primary Election held in the Greenwood Town Hall on the regular meeting date
- Appointed Frandsen Bank, Tower, as the township’s depository
- Authorized the Town Board Chairman, Vice Chairman, Treasurer, Clerk, Deputy Clerk and Deputy Treasurer as Greenwood official signatories and authorized representatives of the township at Frandsen Bank
- Appoint Couri and Ruppe, Attorneys at law, St. Michael, Minnesota, as the township’s attorneys
- Appointed Supervisor Mike Ralston as Road Supervisor
- Appointed Supervisor Larry Tahija as the town board’s representative to the lodging tax board and the Tower Area Ambulance committee
- Appointed Treasurer Pam Rodgers to represent the township at the Joint Powers Recreation Board
- Appointed The Tower News to serve as the official newspaper of Greenwood township
* Established a schedule of 11 Federal holidays on which the Greenwood Town Hall will be closed
- Appointed Greenwood Board of Supervisor’s Chairman Carmen DuLuca as the township’s noxious weed inspector, 911 sign coordinator, and building and grounds Supervisor
- Approved funds to pay for township officials and board members to avail themselves of Minnesota Association of Townships training opportunities
- Approved the Greenwood Board of Supervisors minutes from the February 12 meeting and the March 12, Board of Canvas meeting
- Set April 24, 2019, from 10:00 a.m. until 11 a.m., for the Greenwood Township Local Board of Appeal and Equalization meeting, during which property owners have the opportunity to seek relief on issues related to the valuations established for their property