Tower Planing and Zoning commission reviews Rose campground EAW comments

TUESDAY, APRIL 17, 2018 — Members of the Tower Planning and Zoning Commission met Tuesday to review the comments it received in response to the Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) for the Rose campground proposed to be built on land located on the East Two River. The project has drawn criticism from neighbors at Mill Point Plat and many chose to attend the meeting and respond in writing. Joan Broten, formerly serving on the Tower City Council, spoke on behalf of the neighborhood. She asked planning and zoning to remember that eight of the proposed campsites will face the existing Vermilion Wilderness Fuel bulk storage plant. “I hope you will take due diligence before allowing the project to move forward,” Broten said as she introduced Erik Honkanen, of Honkanen Richards, S.C, a Virginia law firm to the commission. The Brotens and other neighbors at Mill Point retained the firm to represent its objections to the campground.

Honkanen said that it was clear that a substantial modification of the site is required for the project and that he would like to see a full Environmental Impact Statement completed before the commission makes any recommendation on the project. “This is one of the most sensitive lake shore areas in Minnesota,” Honkanen said. He presented a five page letter, and over 80 page document citing data from the Minnesota Sensitive lakeshore ID Manual to support his arguments. It seems Honkanen left no stone unturned as he also presented Planning and Zoning with a list of judgements against Rose and his wife Darlene recorded in the courts of two different Minnesota  counties, Honkanen said that he was not one to readily threaten litigation, however, in this case he believed he could make a compelling argument against the project in court.

In addition to the comments made at the meeting, Planning and Zoning received written correspondence from neighbors as well as from the state archaeologist office, Minnesota Pollution Control and the Department of Natural Resources.

Planning and Zoning now has thirty days to review and address any relevant concerns about the EAW. It appointed a committee, comprised of Zoning Administrator Linda Keith, Commission Chairman Steve Altenburg, Morgan Carlon and Steve Abrahamson to serve as a committee to review all the comments.

The Planning and Zoning commission will recommend that the city seek input from the public, through Facebook posts, in determining a suitable name for a new road which is expected to be constructed near the city’s harbor.

The commission conducted a lengthy discussion on front and rear property setbacks in the residential areas in original plat of the city. Altenburg objected to the thirty foot setback from the front property line. Abrahamson opposed the cahnge a said he wold like to see the setback remain as it is in the ordinance. Kevin Fitton, who serves planning and zoning as a representative from the city council, brought focus to that discussion noting, “We need to be looking to see if there are any inconsistencies in the ordinance, we could argue bout this forever,” Fitton said.

The Planning Commission approved forwarding to the city council final site and building layout plans for the Lamppa Manufacturing facility.