Thursday, August 9, 1888
Who Are Well Pleased.
The readers of the JOURNAL, because it is the salvation army and bulwark of Tower’s interests.
The democrats, because they have a “horse” on the subscribers of the Graphic.
The fish liars, because a snow white fish, with the American flag on its back, has been caught in Lake Vermilion.
The Good Templars, because their lodge membership is increasing fast.
The gossips, because several weddings are on the tapis.
The JOURNAL editor, because a committee of women are to call on him today.
The women, because they will soon have a chance to torture their husbands “with fall styles of bonnets.”
The young ladies, because the ice cream season and its pleasures are at hand.
The carpenters and builders, because Tower is on a genuine boom.
The JOURNAL force, because its subscription list is increasing fast.
Recorder Williams, because the corporate seal of Tower is safe, and worth 100 cents on the dollar.