Thursday, May 7, 1891
VERMILION IRON JOURNAL–Thursday, May 7, 1891
From the news columns of this week’s JOURNAL it will be observed that homesteaders in South Dakota are experiencing the same trouble with Indian allotments as did a number of homesteaders last January in 66-19 and adjacent towns. There is scarcely a doubt but that homesteaders who were on the land previous to the Indian’s arrival can hold the same and their principal loss will be only in having to fight a contest.
Water at 25 Cents a Barrel.
Parties wishing water delivered at former prices, 25 cents barrel, should give or send their orders to R. G. Murray, who gives prompt attention to them.
Vermilion Property.
I have secured parties who are desirous of making investments on the Vermilion range and parties having claims on the backbone of the range which have been proved up on or patented, would find it to their advantage to see or correspond with
Ely, Minn.
John Tapley was quite seriously bitten in the Pioneer Hotel Tuesday morning by a bull dog belonging to W. H. Campaigne. There is considerable dispute as to how the dog came to bite Mr. Tapley, but he is minus the tip of his nose and will, in consequence, always be disfigured for life. Mr. Campaign informs us us he gave the dog, which was really a valuable one, to a man and ordered him shot.
The medical fraternity, backed up by carefully compiled statistics, is almost a unit in declaring that a moderate use of stimulants conduces to long life. It is also admitted that an old whisky is by far the best stimulant that can be used. Leading phbsicians recommend the I. W. Harper Whisky, because it is pure, possessed of a superior flavor and bouquet, and is not offered for sale until it is old and thoroughly matured. Sold at Tower by J. J. Murnick & Co.
Capt. E. Morcom, of LaPrairie, spent several days here this week looking after his brick yard. He says that while Tower may seem a little dull this season, he notices business here is livelier than any other town he visited and that there appears to be more money in circulation—the consequence of regular payments by our great iron company.
Strawberries, lettuce and cucumbers are in the market. Colic and little funerals will soon follow.
Fred Clark from Detroit, will this week start a barber shop on Alder, near North Second and solicits a share of the public patronage.