Thursday, June 25, 1891

VERMILION IRON JOURNAL–Thursday, June 25, 1891

Tower citizens will be interested in learning that as a result of the failure in Philadelphia of the Finance Company  of Pennsylvania, of which Charlemange Tower formerly of this city, was president. Mr. Tower, Mrs. Lee and others of the Tower family lost $1,800,000.

In Municipal court to-day the case of Minnesota vs. Frank Anderson is on trial before a jury. The prosecuting witness is Emma Lilja, who alleges that the defendant, in her presence and the presence of others, used obscene, profane and indecent language, applying it to her. The case was in court Saturday, again Tuesday and is still on trial. The highest punishment that can be inflicted is three months in the county jail or $100 fine.

Tourists and campers are beginning to arrive on Lake Vermilion. E. S. Palmer and wife, R. J. McLeod and wife, L. P. Hell and Leilla Johnson, all of Duluth, arrived last evening and are today pitching tents and arranging camp for several weeks outing near Birch Point.

J. K. McDonald, of the Indian reservation, went to St. Paul Wednesday, where he is a witness in the murder trial of Bah-mah-e-je-waish-kung, the Indian who killed a fellow redman last fall northwest of Tower.

Smoke the “Vermilion” cigar, the best 10-cent cigar in the market and manufactured at home.